Urkult Festival

Date: 03 Aug 2023

The Urkult Festival in Näsåker, a small village in Sweden with about 600 inhabitants celebrates folk and world music with both domestic and international elements. The 27 th edition of the World Music Festival Urkult was held this year from August 3rd to August 5th in which innumerous musicians from all around the world partook. Both the artists and audience travel to the venue by a train, the journey of which is very enthralling. Apart from concerts on various stages, the program consists of activities, workshops, poetry and a variety of activities for the little ones. Crafts and ecological food are other regular features at Urkult. Among various groups and solo performers, the participants from Bengal are worth mentioning. The Bauls of Bengal, headed by Arpita Chakraborty & Mallika Akar, vocalists and instrumentalists, Debalina, Arpan and Sandip gave an hour long spectacular performance making the audience dance to their folk beats.